We had a great time during Book Week in November! Year 6 based their activities around The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis, while Tuesday by David Wiesner was Year 5’s chosen book. Year 4 had fun taking part in lots of different activities based on the story of The Iron Man by Ted Hughes and Year 3 read George’s Marvellous
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Our December value of the month is ‘ being charitable’, so this is a good time to remind you all about David. 2 years ago we chose to sponsor David, a boy from a Maasai village in Kenya, through his secondary school education. To do this we must raise £500 every year. I am pleased to share that, through the Christmas card designs and
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Our STEM focus this year is Gayton’s Gadgets. We will explore inventions – past, present and future. In the summer term, the children will be inventing new products and presenting them in our very own Dragons’ (governors) Den. So start thinking of your ideas!
Parent View is an online questionnaire where you can share your views of our school. It is used by OFSTED to make judgements about us and can help parents/carers when deciding which school is best for their child. So far this year no-one has completed the questionnaire. Please take 5 minutes to answer 12 short questions. If you do not have a computer or email address we
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Wednesday 27th February 2013 Book week is taking place in school next week 4th – 8th March 2013. The children will spend the week exploring a specific story and carrying out exciting activities to give them a deeper understanding of the book as well as a fun filled and enriched experience throughout the week. The texts the children will be studying are: Year 3
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