
At Gayton Junior School, we can accept 90 children in Year 3.

As a Derby City School we follow the Local Authority (LA) admission policy. The order of priority for allotting places is as follows:

  1. Children who are in care of, or accommodated by, Derby City Council or another LA.
  2. Children living in the normal area served by the school, and have siblings at the school at the time of admission
  3. Children living in the normal area served by the school
  4. Children who do not live in the normal area, but have siblings at the school at the time of admission
  5. Other children whose parents/carers have requested a place by the published date
  6. Children whose parent/carers did not express their preference by the published date

You will receive a letter from the LA in November, with the application details. This must be returned to the LA.

The LA will then let you know which school you have been allocated in April.

If you are not offered a place for your child at your preferred school, you have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel. Details will be given to you.

Click here if you would rather apply using an online application form.

For more information, contact the Admissions Team on 01332 642730.

Admissions Arrangements for 2023-24 Intake

Closing date for online applications – Monday 15th January 2024

National offer date for all Infant/Junior and Primary Schools – Tuesday 16th April 2024