Our new catering company, Taylor Shaw, took over our School Meals service in July 2016 and we have already had several themed dinner times, including a Super Mario theme! Our new Autumn/Winter 2019-20 menus launch on Tuesday 5th November 2019 following consultation with the School Council. Click here to view the new menus.
School meals cost £2.20 a day. All money needs to be brought in to school on a Monday in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, class and how much money is enclosed written on the front. Children do not have to have a school dinner each day, they can pick which days they wish to have a school dinner.
Please pay for meals in advance or on the day. Any credit balances will be carried forward on your child’s account. Payment for lunches should be sent in a named envelope please. Alternatively, you may pay online. If you have still not registered for our online payment option and would like to do so, please contact the school office for your log in details.