
If you require a paper copy of any of these policies, please contact the school office.

Parent/Carer Code of Conduct – Summer 2023

Separated Parent Policy (Federation) – Autumn 2022

Attendance Policy (Federation) – Autumn 2022

Behaviour Management Policy – Autumn 2023

Homework Policy – Spring 2023

Accessibility Policy – Summer 2023

Child Protection Safeguarding Policy – Autumn 2023

E Safety Policy – Spring 2023

Charging and Remissions policy – Spring 2022

Complaints Procedure Policy (Federation) – Spring 2024

Health and Safety Policy – Spring 2020




At Gayton Junior School children’s progress is constantly monitored and assessed and careful records are kept. Occasionally we find that a child does not make the progress we expect. In this case parents are consulted and appropriate steps taken to support the child.

A Pupil Profile may be written with individual targets, review dates and ideas to help parents to support their child at home. If targets continue not to be met, outside agencies such as Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists or Behaviour Specialists may be called upon for extra support. After further consultation with parents the Local Authority (LA) may have to make a statutory assessment based on specialist advice. The LA may then draw up a Statement of Special Educational Needs. This describes all of the child’s needs and all the special help that should be provided.

Our assessment procedures also identify children of very high academic ability and work is planned to meet the learning requirements of these children. We maintain a gifted and talented register to help us ensure that these children are consistently challenged when at school.

Please click here to read the Derby City Council SEND local offer. Our present school SEND policy is based on practice within the academic year of 2020 – 2021. A link to our SEND policy can be found below. Click here to view our SEND Information Report.

SEND Policy Autumn 2023


Looked After Children

Occasionally, we have children who are looked after by the Local Authority (LA)

At Gayton Junior School we work with the LA to ensure that our looked after children have equal access to the full provision of educational opportunities available from the school. We ensure that carers and social workers are kept fully informed of children’s progress and attainment by attending regular review meetings. We have a team of dedicated staff who work together to promote the children’s well being. This policy is currently under review as part of our collaboration work with Ridgeway Infant School, to ensure a continued approach to our provision for children who are looked after. The policy will be updated in due course.

LAC policy Autumn 2022


Rewards and Behaviour Policy

We have made it really easy to remember our school rules:

R—Respect each other and our environment

U—Use equipment sensibly

L—Listen to and follow instructions

E—Enjoy learning and working together

S—Stay safe

Super Students!

At Gayton Community Junior School we believe every single child can be a ‘Super Student’. The awards system reflects this view and reaffirms our desire to reinforce, praise and encourage positive behaviour and attitudes.

The different awards recognise children who strive for high standards in their day-to-day work in school and in the community. They encourage pupils to be the best that they can be and give their all in whatever they do and also reward them for their effort and attitude.

By working hard together to achieve these academic, social and personal goals we aspire to provide the children of Gayton with a broad education that supports the development of the whole child and not just their academic achievement. We value parents, families and the community as VITAL partners in helping us provide the pupils with the best education possible.

How the awards are given:

At the end of the half term, the staff agree together which children in their year group should receive a bronze, silver or gold reward for their behaviour, effort and attitude over the past half term.  The children who achieve ‘Bronze’ status will receive a small reward, such as a class party.  The children who achieve ‘Silver’ status will receive a larger reward, such as watching a film in the hall AND the bronze reward.  Children achieving ‘Gold’ status will receive a large reward, such as a trip bowling AND the silver and bronze rewards.

A pupil immediately forfeits the right to their badge in the following circumstances:

  • Use of foul, abusive, racist, homophobic language or bullying behaviour against another child.
  • Speaking to an adult in a severely inappropriate way.
  • Posing a threat to themselves or others through fighting or misbehaving in school or on visits.

If a child loses their badge for one of these reasons they will not be allowed to use the lunchtime equipment and will not receive the end of half-term reward.

Behaviour Management policy – Autumn 2023

Anti-bullying policy – Spring 2024

Governors’ Statement of Behaviour Principles

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