Welcome from the Chair

Welcome to our Governor pages.

The Blagreaves Federation Governing Board, representing Ridgeway Infant School and Gayton Junior School is comprised of two parents (one from each school), one member of staff, the Headteachers of both schools, a Local Authority governor and Co-optees from the local community (9).

The main function of the team is to work with the Headteachers in setting the future direction for both schools and in deciding how the school budgets are to be spent. As Governors, we provide the Headteachers with support and advice, drawing on our varied knowledge and experiences.

We strive to ensure that governance of both schools is outstanding. We ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction, carrying out our duties effectively. We have a clear understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for development. Other strengths include:

  • A strong understanding of pupil data, used to assess the impact of teaching on learning and progress in different year groups and subjects;
  • Monitoring of appraisal systems and supporting of the headteacher in decisions about teachers’ salary progression;
  • Provide support for the headteachers and also hold them and their Senior Leadership Teams to account for further improving the quality of teaching, pupils’ achievement and behaviour and safety;
  • Ensure solvency and ensure that financial resources, including the Pupil Premium and Sports Funding are used to improve pupil outcomes;
  • Ensure that the school promotes tolerance and respect for people of all faiths, cultures and lifestyles and support the schools’ work in preparing children positively for life in modern Britain. Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) awareness is a strength of both schools.


  • Take a more active role in self-evaluation to evaluate the impact of their own work;
  • Engage fully with all stakeholders;
  • Use skills audits to ensure the Governing Board members have a range of strengths.

Evaluating Recent Impact

Some members of the previous Governing Board worked as part of a joint working party with governors from Ridgeway Infant School to investigate and advise on a future direction for the school. This resulted in the federation of both schools on 1st September 2020.

The Pupil Progress Committee will continue to work with key staff across both schools to develop the Schemes of Work for Relationships Education in preparation for its launch later in the academic year.

The link governors for Safeguarding, Pupil Premium, Sports Premium, Maths, Literacy and SEND all meet regularly with relevant post-holders in school, providing robust challenge to ensure high standards of learning at both schools. Most notably, the previous Gayton SEND link governor recently supported the SENCO during a successful peer review of our SEND provision in school.

The governors have also provided both headteachers with support during the partial school closures this year and continue to work together to ensure both schools are operating within national guidelines to reduce the risk of transmission to all pupils.