“As a parent or carer you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online. You don’t need to be an expert on the internet to help keep your child stay safe online. Our advice and resources are here to support you as you support your child to use the internet safely, responsibility and positively.” (saferinternet.org.uk)
Derbyshire Constabulary – Information to Share with Parents
During the Cornovirus lockdown children and young people have been spending increasing amounts of their time using online devices, games and apps. Unfortunately this has resulted in an increased risk of grooming, exploitation and abuse. In order to support agencies to protect and safeguarding children and young people from abuse and exploitation, please be aware that:
- ‘Banners’ on some sites may have chat facilities and these can be used by perpetrators to groom and exploit children.
- Instagram and Snapchat are still the most common applications used by online offenders, however Grindr is increasingly being used by perpetrators to make contact with young people in Derby and Derbyshire. Gaming apps such as ‘Worldcraft’ have a chat facility within them and this can be used by perpetrators to make initial contact with the child. Instagram or Snapchat user names are then exchanged and the contact continues on these platforms. Remember, any online connected device or toy can potentially be used by offenders to groom, harm and abuse children.
- It is vitally important that children, young people as well as their parents and carers are aware of how they can keep themselves safe online and know what to do to report concerns.