Arts Week 23rd – 26th May 2016

We’re having lots of fun this week working in mixed groups and moving round the school. This gives the children the chance to work with all of our teachers and experience some new things from all aspects of the arts, including art activities based on artists such as Mondrean and Kandinsky; drama; technology based creative projects, including Stop Motion Photography; artistic gymnastics; dance; poetry and singing.

On Tuesday, we welcomed parents, carers and other family members into school to work alongside the children in their activities. Some left proudly carrying their artwork, while others went home for a rest after doing some rock and roll!

The children will finish the week working back in their classes on an art project which will see them produce a final piece of artwork that will be shown in an exhibition on Tuesday 14th June. The exhibition will be a chance for you to come and view and buy your child’ artwork. Formal invitations will be sent out from your child at a later date!


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