Parents Information

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School Hours

School starts: 8:55am

Morning break: 11:00am – 11:15am

Lunch: 12:15pm – 1:20pm

End of School: 3:30pm

School doors open every morning at 8:45am. All staff are available to see you between 8:45am and 8:55am when school starts. Again at the end of the day staff are available for 10 minutes. If you want to see a member of staff in private please ring the office to book an appointment.


The government recommends that children in Years 3 and 4 should do one and a half hours homework a week and that children in Years 5 and 6 should do thirty minutes a day. At Gayton we want homework time to be positive and rewarding for parents, carers and children. Homework should not be done in isolation. Adults and children should work together talking about what has been learned at school and reinforcing this learning at home.

Every child will bring home a learning log on Friday. This log provides parents with a brief description of what has been studied that week in each lesson and suggests an activity that you could do with your child.

As well as the learning log your child also needs to read every day and look at the spellings that they will be tested on every week. We also ask you to help your child with their maths by doing 5 – 10 minutes of daily ‘Quick Maths’.

Meals and Snacks

Nearly all children stay at school for lunch. If you wish your child to go home please contact the office so that arrangements can be made for them to sign in and out.

We promote a healthy lifestyle whenever possible. For morning break we encourage children to bring healthy fresh fruit to school. We do not allow crisps, biscuits or chocolate at morning break. We sell healthy snacks from 8.45am – 8.55am.

Your child can have a school lunch or bring a packed lunch from home.

School meals cost £2.80 a day. All money needs to be brought in to school on a Monday in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, class and how much money is enclosed written on the front.

Packed lunches should be brought to school in a named lunch box or bag, preferably insulated or with a coolant, as we do not have cold storage facilities.